Monday, August 30, 2010

Technical Dificulties

Hi guys! I'm writing to say I'm sorry and that I have not abandoned you!
I have a whole new and exciting blog post ready about a make up review and it includes a video I recorded. The only thing stopping me from posting is that I'm having trouble with a glich on You Tube. I've been strugling with it for this past week. It is doubling the length of my video and I'm not able to upload it because now "the length is too long".
Once they fix that I'll have the post up. If they take too long, I'll find another solution. ;)

Thank you for reading and thanks for your patience!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Product designs that make me swoon

With so many make-up brands out in the market today, what should companies invest on to get attention? Ads showing the quality of the product? Well, that used to be useful before the invention of Photoshop… For instance: are you really drawn into buying a mascara just because you saw a very cliché picture of a model or an actress with incredibly full lashes that are definitely fake? (I hate mascara ads exactly for that reason, by the way)
What will really catch your eye when you enter a store like Sephora, for example?

For companies now a day, thinking about the package and the presentation is just as important as thinking about the actual product itself.

I’ve encountered innumerous products which I then became “dying to buy” just because of how it looks! Seriously.
The most recent example of this phenomenon are these lipsticks by Paul & Joe:

I confess I totaly "squeed" when I saw these.
They're for the Fall 2010 collection and are only coming out in these three colors.

It's totaly thinking outside the box and is the kind of thing that draws alot of attention! When I saw these, it got me thinking about all the inventive packaging I had seen in the make up world and I started remembering a bunch of cool products that I haven't tried yet, but are on my wish list.