Monday, August 2, 2010

Product designs that make me swoon

With so many make-up brands out in the market today, what should companies invest on to get attention? Ads showing the quality of the product? Well, that used to be useful before the invention of Photoshop… For instance: are you really drawn into buying a mascara just because you saw a very cliché picture of a model or an actress with incredibly full lashes that are definitely fake? (I hate mascara ads exactly for that reason, by the way)
What will really catch your eye when you enter a store like Sephora, for example?

For companies now a day, thinking about the package and the presentation is just as important as thinking about the actual product itself.

I’ve encountered innumerous products which I then became “dying to buy” just because of how it looks! Seriously.
The most recent example of this phenomenon are these lipsticks by Paul & Joe:

I confess I totaly "squeed" when I saw these.
They're for the Fall 2010 collection and are only coming out in these three colors.

It's totaly thinking outside the box and is the kind of thing that draws alot of attention! When I saw these, it got me thinking about all the inventive packaging I had seen in the make up world and I started remembering a bunch of cool products that I haven't tried yet, but are on my wish list.

Back when I was about 13 years old I got 2 sets of make up from Pupa as a gift and I was greatly dissapointed. This was a very long time ago, though and I don't know if they have made improvements to their products at all. I would be willing to give them another try just because of these ingenious kits!

The name of the collection is Puposka

They come in various sizes

Matrioskas are one of my favorite kinds of dolls. I grew up with them. My other favorite kind is japanese kokeshi dolls. The artsmanship is just amazing. When I found out Pupa made kits with both, I was thrilled!

The Pupa Kokeshi only come in one size, unlike the Puposkas

(Has anyone tried out these kits from Pupa? I'd love to hear some feedback!)

At this day and age all of you probably know the brand Tokidoki. If you don't, check it out! Simone Legno (the brand's founder) is an amazing artist! Tokidoki has many products like shirts, accessories, skate and snow boarding gear, purses (teamed with LeSportsac), toy art, the list goes on and on... Recently, they released a line of make up all their own. Like everything else they make, the main focus is design. I haven't tried any of the products yet, but Tokidoki is a brand that keeps a high standard of quality, so I'm guessing the make up will be good, too.

Here are some examples of great eye catching design...

Cromatico eyeshadow. Comes in 16 shades and you choose from matte, pearl, or glittery finish.

Pittura Brush Set. I wish they had other sets like this!

This next example isn't THAT revolutionary, but just by using an uncomon color for brush strands, it makes the product alot more appealing.

My hair was white with pink tips for a while. Maybe I just identified my self too much with this one? 

I also wanted to show something from a brand that is a lot less modern, that made something different without losing its class.

Chanel Lumière D'artifices Metallic Eyeshadow. This was a limited edition piece from 2006.

When I saw this Chanel eyeshadow I was awestruck  at how perfect the sequins look! Too bad it was limited edition. =[

Just one last product! It isn't make up, but it's too darn cute not to mention here!

Harajuku Lovers fragrances. They come individualy or in smaller sized flasks in gift sets.

This all just goes to show that you don't have to compromise practicality and functionality for design's sake. You get the best results when you make these aspects go hand and hand.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. CUUUUTEEE gostei mais dos pinceis i-i mim quer!!! Os perfuminhos tb são muito fofos ^^
